usercon 2016

UserCon 2016: Mellanox

UserCon 2016: Veeam

UserCon 2016: Tintri

UserCon 2016: Cisco

UserCon 2016: Marteinn Sigurdsson - Everything is slow what do you do

UserCon 2016: Nimble Storage

UserCon 2016: Lee Dilworth - VSAN IO – how it works

UserCon 2016: Opening keynote - Jeremy van Doorn

UserCon 2016 - Cloud Native Applications at VMware – Massimo Re Ferré, Cloud Architect

UserCon 2016 – Storage Challenges in CNAs – Cormac Hogan, Sr. Storage Arch., R&D at VMware

UserCon 2016: Bitdefender

UserCon 2016: Michael Ryom - Automating your datacenter the lazy way

UserCon 2016: Check Point

UserCon 2016: Duncan Epping - A glimpse of the future of VSAN

UserCon 2016 - Hardening di vSphere in ottica PCI-DSS – Marco Scandaletti, IKS

UserCon 2016 - and the future – Duncan Epping, Chief Technologist, SABU @ VMware

UserCon 2016: Closing keynote: Frank Denneman -VMware Cloud on AWS A closer look

UserCon 2016 - Digital Transformation: VMware e Internet of Things – Andrea Siviero, VMware

Usercon 2016 - Intervista a VMware

UserCon 2016 - Modern Identity in the Enterprise – Peter Björk, Principal SE at VMware

UserCon 2016: Simon Todd aka Mr VSAN - Customer Success Stories from the vSAN Battlefront

UserCon 2016 - Quale stile per guidare il virtual datacenter? – Andrea Campiotti, HPE

Usercon 2016 - Intervista a Zerto

UserCon 2016 - Nutanix Enterprise Cloud strategy and the Journey to DevOps – Mark Lavi, Nutanix